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Gin and Whiskey Cocktails for your Hen Party

29 May 2018
Gin and Whiskey Cocktails for your Hen Party 5 png

Gin and Whiskey are the drinks of the moment. What's not to love about them! So, to help all the Gin and Whiskey lovers out we've chosen some of our favourite gin and whiskey cocktails for your hen party to share with you. You'll love them ladies!

Elderflower Collins

If you're anything like us Elderflower has become your best friend recently! We just love it! So, we had to have a gin cocktail that had elderflower as a key ingredient.

What You'll Need;

  • 50ml gin
  • 20ml lemon
  • 10ml sugar syrup (so easy to make yourself!)
  • 10ml elderflower cordial
  • Sparkling water

How To Make It;

  1. Put the gin, lemon, sugar and a dash of elderflower tonic into a shaker and shake well
  2. Pour into a tall glass filled with ice and fill with sparkling water
  3. Add a sprig of your favourite herb
  4. If you want to substitute the sparkling water for sparkling wine and you have an Elderflower Royale

French 75

What's a hen party without some bubbly eh ladies? The French 75 is a must-try for your hen party and is so so easy to make!

What You'll Need;

  • 45ml gin
  • 15 ml lemon juice
  • 7.5ml sugar syrup
  • Champagne

How To Make It;

  1. Add the gin, lemon juice and sugar syrup into a shaker with ice and shake well
  2. Strain into a glass (champagne flute if possible)
  3. Fill the glass with champagne and garnish with a lemon peel

Gin and Tonic

You can't beat a good gin and tonic and the pink Gordon's Gin is definitely one of our faves. Here's how to make the perfect glass.

What You'll Need;

  • 1 shot Gordon's Pink Gin
  • 1 Baby Bottle of Elderflower Tonic
  • Lemon slices
  • Ice

How To Make It;

  1. Add the shot of Pink Gin along with ice to a gin glass.
  2. Add a couple of slices of lemon to the glass
  3. Add in the elderflower tonic to taste

Old Fashioned

The Old Fashioned cocktail is a must for anyone that loves Whiskey. It won't take long to make and is really easy to get right too!

What You'll Need;

  • 1 Teaspoon of superfine sugar/1 cube
  • 2-3 dashes of bitters
  • 60ml of your favourite whiskey or bourbon
  • Orange to garnish

How To Make It;

  1. Place the sugar in an old fashioned glass and douse with the bitters
  2. Add a few drops of water and the whiskey
  3. Stir until the sugar is dissolved
  4. Add some ice cubes and stir rapidly to chill
  5. Add an orange peel to garnish

Irish Coffee

Chances are that you will need something to perk you up the morning after the hen party so why not make your coffee Irish! Check out this simple recipe.

What You'll Need;

  • 40ml Irish Whiskey
  • 120ml freshly brewed coffee
  • 20ml demerara sugar syrup or demerara sugar, to taste
  • Fresh Cream

How To Make It;

  1. Preheat the glass with some warm water and disregard
  2. Add the whiskey, coffee and demerara sugar to the glass and stir rapidly
  3. Warm a spoon with some hot water and pour the cream over the back of it into the glass so it floats

These are just a few of the Gin and Whiskey cocktails we absolutely LOVE! Are there any that you think we should have included in the list?

Geraldine McGrath
Geraldine is our hen party guru! Calmly ruling the roost and knowing every hen hotspot across Ireland. In her spare time, Geraldine likes to read, walk and spend time with family and friends. She’s also recently been rediscovering her love for cross stitch!
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