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How to Plan Your Own Mystery Tour

4 Nov 2019

Have you been tasked with planning an upcoming hen party and you’re feeling stuck for ideas? Well...why not try a mystery tour? There are so many places around Ireland to head to (Some of our favs are the Carlow Hen Party Package, the Limerick hen party package and a great hen night in Waterford!) and some of them might even be nearby for you! And hey...we all love a bit of mystery, right?

Mystery tours can be great fun and can send everyone home with a new experience and some amazing memories. Whether you want to include activities or not, a mystery tour is a great way to keep everyone excited from start to finish with the anticipation for what’s next.
So let’s get started on how to plan your own mystery tour for a hen party!
1. Research a few areas
Whether you want to travel far or stay close to home, there are always areas you can head to in Ireland. It doesn’t have to be a flashy city or a big town...a nice and relaxed little town will do the job just as well. Research places that have some good pubs, clubs and food places. Who doesn’t love chips after a night out?
2. Get accurate numbers for transport
It can be frustrating planning the transport because people will always drop in and out of the hen party as time goes on. So our best tip to avoid an overpacked bus is to set up a WhatsApp group with everyone who’s invited and ask for a non-refundable deposit to secure their place on the bus.
3. Have music on the journey
Nobody likes to travel in silence. Keep the craic turned up to eleven with some good music and maybe a good old-fashioned sing-song! All you need is a Bluetooth speaker and away you go.
4. Plan a few stops
If you have an area with a few small towns nearby, why not plan to stop at each one? Keep the party moving...literally! Choose the final and main stop and work out a route that will have little pit stops along the way.
5. Bring secret supplies
Don’t let anybody get hungry or thirsty on the journey. Pack some Taytos and maybe some shots to wash them down.
6. Don’t tell anyone!
The main thing about a mystery tour is to keep it a mystery. At the start, you can decide to either plan it alone or enlist the help of a trusted handful of people, but make sure nobody tells any of the others anything. It’ll ruin the surprise if the route gets out before it happens.

All in all, mystery tours are a lot of fun and can be a great idea for any hen party. And once you choose the area you want to work with, you can check out our hen party packages and maybe let us add a stop or two along the way for you.
Remember to have fun and get creative with the planning. There are no right or wrong places to go, so it’s completely up to you.
Kate Hyde
Kate Hyde
Kate, originally from Cork, founded in 2008 in her spare bedroom in Waterford. Since then, the company has grown to 6 websites in our group across 4 countries. Kate is an expert on hen party and stag party planning and organisation and is even the author of a book on the topic - “How to Hen Party - the Essential Guide” (Currach Press).
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Geraldine McGrath
Geraldine is our hen party guru! Calmly ruling the roost and knowing every hen hotspot across Ireland. In her spare time, Geraldine likes to read, walk and spend time with family and friends. She’s also recently been rediscovering her love for cross stitch!
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