Guess the Undies

Guess the undies is a brilliant game to play with all the girls on a hen party. Everyone going on the hen must bring a pair of undies that they think best represents them. The undies are then all thrown into a basket or laid out on a table and the bride to be must then guess which pair of undies belongs to who! Make it into a drinking game by each of the guests taking a drink if the bride guesses her underwear right.
Guess the undies is a brilliant game to play as an ice breaker for everyone in the group to get to know each other. If you want to change the game up a little bit get all the ladies to attach a small note to the underwear.
Be sure to bring the underwear in the bride’s size so she can keep them to herself. If you want to be a little bit cheeky bring an item of lingerie rather than undies so the bride can use them for her honeymoon.