Welly Toss Game

If the bride to be is getting ready to become a farmers wife then you have to play the Welly Toss Game for her hen party! The Welly Toss game is so much fun and super easy to organise...perfect!
This is one that we used to play when we were younger at schools sports days but it really works brilliantly for a hen! For this game you kind of need to be outside or at least in a big hall or area. A good bit of space is needed to do this properly.
This activity is perfect as well for a summer hen party. You'll need a pair of wellies (one welly for each team) markers to aim for or past and some prizes for the winners.
Split the group into two different groups giving each group one welly. Set out markers for the group to aim to or past. One 10 metre's away, 15 metre's away and 20 metre's away dependent on how strong the girls are you can change this! Each of the girls takes a turn throwing the welly against someone from the opposite team. The team then gets the well the furthest distance combined wins! For the extra surprise give the winning team a small prize. A bottle of small bubbly, cute nail varnish or lipstick or even just a shot is perfect!
This game is perfect for a bride getting ready to marry her farmer groom. The girls will love it! Let us know if you've tried this game out before or if you have any more fabulous game ideas!