Selfie Competition

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Looking for a fun game to play during the hen party? Why not try a Selfie Competition? Strike your best pose and you might win!
This hen party is sure to be a hit girls! Start a little competition with the hens before you head out to celebrate. The aim of the game is to pick the hen with the best selfie of the night. You can decide on a few ground rules before the competition begins or just go for it!
Forget posey pictures too girls, the funnier the better. Get a stranger to wear your sash and tutu. Grab an image of yourself doing a quirky pose or hilarious dance move. Everyone should look at these selfies over breakfast the next day and pick a winner. The funniest and most creative should win.
So try out this fab game for your next hen party girls. It is sure to get some giggles the next day!
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